Monday, October 27, 2014


Hey folks,

Hope yall's weekend was great and helped you keep the stoke rolling for a new week of work and not-so-fun-times.

Mine was pretty neat. Not much craziness but a solid few days of fun.
Autumn is here in a big way.

Friday I did chores then rode over to visit K.A.W at her work. Her students usually cook something on Fridays and this week the plan was S'mores. However, you cant have S'mores withou graham crackers and K.A.W was gra-ham cracker-less. I hopped on le' bycycle and pedaled to the store and then to her school for some S'more cookin'. Of course the kids had to help and we made it educational as well. Now her students know that marshmallow + chocolate + graham = F'n AWESOME!!!

educatin' the chilrun...

Math is important in these uncertain times,

K.A.W's friend Jen was heading into town and so the girls left to stir up some trouble in the forest, and left me with too many Pabsts', a fire in the fire pit, and my banjo. Thats really all I need to entertain me for the rest of my life. They had a nice hike on the MST in Autumns splendor...

After while the girls returned and we all celebrated the Autumnal delights sitting around a fire and chillaxing in the mellow mountain air.

Saturday K.A.W was off to Statesville, NC for her BFF Tiff's bridal shower. So once again I loaded up the crossmachine in the truck and we headed to Bent Creek for a long mellow gravel ride. Why ride gravel roads when your surrounded by world-class mountain-bike-cycling trail? Because gravel riding is pretty fun, and I was too lazy to fix my mountain bike-cycle from the ride/run Thursday night.

It was a pretty sweet loop...

Ledford Branch, up Bent Creek Gap rd to the Parkway. Down into N. Mills River campground, up FR5050 to Yellow Gap. Yellow Gap to N. Mills River trail to the resevoir road, Resevoir road to Trace ridge back to Bent Creek Gap road.

Just enough climbing to get the lungs going and enough sketchy singletrack to keep the "oh shit" factor strong. Plus I got to do a little chunky rock descending on Yellow Gap and had about 6 creek crossings on N. Mills.

"Green Tag" must mean shoot the hell out of everthing with a shotgun.

its organic!

one of 7 creek crossings on the Mills...

Saturday night we attended a B-Day party for neighbor Kirk. He had a bunch of rowdies up from Rock Hill, SC and we all drank good beer to early morn'.

Sunday we did some house stuff and then took K.A.W's father up to Craggy Pinnacle for some mountain majesty. It was great fun and hopefully we didnt blow his knees out.

King of the Mountain...

Pretty fun weekend.

Now its Monday and we only have a few short days until we can do it all over again. Just keep counting them down...

See ya next time...

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