Monday, February 8, 2016

Why do I always misspell Feb ru ary

Last couple of weeks worth of it...

We headed down to the Homeland for my nephew's, aka The Dude, 2nd-year-of-being-on-this-planet celebration. Conclusion? Being 2 years old is pretty awesome and that dude is cool... Got him a new lid for his future 2 wheeled endeavors...

The snow is melting if not mostly, if not completely gone now. I managed to get out for an early morning road shred whilst the winter's ordure still lay around. It was cold as balls starting out, but 2000 feet of climbing right out of the gate will warm ya right quick. Nice ride and pretty as hell...

The Bear and I got out and to scope out the snow damage. Not a better place to get a quick hike in than the MST. We headed South on the trail since it had been a good while since we walked that way. While not as scenic as the north side its still pretty swell. The Bear was stoked to get out as well...

neigh, neigh i say.

In the most recent happenings KAW had herself a BDay. We celebrated in the best possible way. Hiking and boozing it up! Her sister came in for a spell so we all ventured out to The Pisgah for some old fashioned foot walking. Hiked out to a little spot I have camped at many times, and will do so again soon. Not very well known and views for days...

After the hike we headed home to prepare for the evening's mayhem. The plan was to get all rowdy to some 80's music downtown. There is an 80's cover band KAW enjoys so a number of us got all 80'd out and went and got tore the hell down. It was great fun but too many IPAs left me feeling murky headed Sunday. But plans had been made with *Short Travel Nate to shred some actual trail so I rallied and met him at N. Mills for bikes and fun.

I finally got a proper ride in on my newest sled. 2016 Norco Range, aka Ruby, is now my "trail" bike. The Yelli Screamy is still around but has been demoted to "race" bike, and occasional downhill/commuter/bar crawl/wheelie machine/"trail" bike. Ruby cause its red... duh.

honey are you mad at your man?

The new bike is going to get me into trouble but damn its fun having a big ass trail bike again. She dont play around and overall I'm stoked.

That's pretty much it up to now.

As I type its threatening snow out, so here we go with all that shit again. I like it fine, but its getting hard riding a bike that is attached to a trainer all the time. Fitness is there and coming on stronger but nothing beats cold air in your lungs, heart beating through the top of your head while sending it mach-fuck down the side of a mountain. 

Thats it.

* Short Travel has moved from 80mm to 100mm. Still not enough fork for Pisgah if ya ask me. whatever.

Monday, January 25, 2016


Snow fell in the mountains this week. Time to put on the yuppie down jacket, expensive hiking boots that only get used three times a year, GoreTex shell and head out into the full wrath and fury of Momma Nature...

The Bear came along and as usual, she was having a hell of a time.


First Tracks

Fatbike tracks fatting it up the BRP.

I really like getting out into "the shit" and walking around for a few hours. Weather has always been fascinating to me especially when it turns rowdy. I decided to hike up the MST via a few short BRP sections. Hardly saw anyone except 3 fat bikers poaching the MST. Almost made we want a fatbike... Almost. I met a dude from Colorado at the overlook who was attempting to snowboard back down. Not happening on that grade but I applaud him for trying. Ran into a trio of sixty-somethings cross country skiing up the road. Looked more fun than fat biking by far.

The wind was really kicking ass on the ridge line and a few times The Bear and I walked the parkway to take a break. Ended up doing 6 miles instead of the planned 3. No big other than the only food I brought along was a 16oz. Torpedo. My legs were sore from post holing up the MST so I stopped at Haw Creek overlook and drank the beer while talking to the CO snowboarder. The beer made the long walk back on tired legs much nicer.

Saturday we got back out in it and K.A.W. wanted to head up to the overlook to see what it was all about. It was a bit more busy than the day before but the wind and cold were unchanged.

Sunday we went strongly against the advice of the local authorities and drove out to a local spot to walk in a different snowscape. Swannanoa Luke and his crew (wife and dogs) joined us for a short but fun hike through some really nice forest.

Fitness goals for "The Season" are starting to come together. Ended up getting a decent ride in Thursday evening on the 'Lugi before the heavens dumped this frozen gift all over our faces. Mostly gravel roads but a bit of singletrack tossed in to keep it weird. Freezing temperatures and dark solitude. Just breathe, pedal, breathe, pedal... Too most that sounds horrible. To me its supremely therapeutic. Its nice to have an alternative when the mountain sled is broken or if the same old gets hard to handle. I still say ripping 45mph down a gravel road on skinny tires is the shit... Especially at night with some Eddie Money jamming in your headphones. FTW

All I need to do is keep away from biscuits, pimento cheese, and pie. That shouldn't be too hard, right?

In other news the local sports-ball team has made it to the sports championship. I used to be much more interested in football, and other sports watching for that matter, but life without cable TV and sunny Sunday afternoons keep me in the woods most of the time. Although I still consider myself a fan and I'm pulling for the Panthers all the way. I'm just not enough of a fan to sit on my ass watching TV if the trails are dry or the trout are rising.

I'm happy for all the die hards out there who have suffered through so much terrible Panther ball before this season. Hell, I still remember watching the Delhomme interception-a-thon during the NFC championship back in 2009. Even though I'm not as big of a "fan" as I once was it will be great watching the home team in the Superbowels.

Doubt I'll be getting any decent rides in between now and next weekend. This snow is going to take its sweet time melting and that means lots of mud and muck on the trail. Gonna have to hook up "The Machine" to keep this fitness train rolling.

Leave me a slice of pie though...