They're awesome. Tacos, speaking in generalities, are the single most greatest thing humankind has ever created. The wheel? Written language? Steve Spurrier?
Tacos or get the F* out.
Welcome back to the week and Banjo Living as well. Hope you'nzes weekend was full of radness on an inter-dimensional level... and tacos. Plenty of tacos.
Life here in Ashevilletown was pretty swell these last few days. Since I posted last, a fair amount of funtimes in the mountains occurred. Not too much craziness but enough to come sliding into the work week worn out and feeling like a rusty bikecycle chain.
45° and stupid outside. Cant ride, could hike, might fish...
I had a date at our wonderful United States Postal Service office to get my Passport for future international traveling that has yet to be planned. As of now K.A.W and myself have only planned to travel as far as our maple infused neighbors to the North... Canada. Heading to that place sometime in July for some good ole American ass kicking! Not really, were backpacking, but If some Canadian gets uppity rest assured they'll get a little taste of Lynyrd and Skynyrd! (thats what I call my fists, but not really). After getting my monthly dose of bureaucracy I headed home to Greenview to plan the day. After moseying around outside the house trying to figure out what to do, the shitty weather prevailed and I turned on Netflix and vegged out for a few hours.
Soon enough, K.A.W came home and we headed out into the fog-rain to get some food. Long story short we found good eatin' at Rocky's Hot Chicken Shack and since your all dying to know... I ordered fried chicken on texas toast covered in bacon and melted pimento cheez... yeah, let that sink into your brain for a sec. Of course my choice of side was fried okra because I'm a southerner and by God I cant, not, eat fried okra when its within ten yards of me. Its physically impossible.
the tomato makes it healthy... |
After stuffing our faces with fried pimento cheez and etc. I got a call from M.I. crooked letter crooked letter Judd that there was some hell raisin' country music going down just a short piece from our home. K.A.W and I headed on over to cut a rug and drink cheap beer while Junto played some Waylon and Willy, The Hag, and some Grateful Dead for good measure... The beer flowed easily and pretty soon things got kinda weird...
We woke to a phone call from K.A.W's cousin, who informed us that the baby that had been growing inside of her for the past 9 months was ready to enter the world. So in accordance to pre-agreed to terms, we were honored to take care of their four-legged child... a three year old Jack Russel Terrier named Maurice. Pretty soon after we get a call from K.A.W's other cousin, and sister of mom-to-be, letting us know that she was coming in to surprise soon-to-be mom and asked if we could babysit her little one, who is a human child... Sure why not.
So now we have a new dog and a baby. Saturday escalated quickly...
Not to worry though. The baby, me, K.A.W and the rest of the lot set out for a pleasant stroll on the MST. All involved seemed to enjoy themselves...
Afterward, the baby was reunited with her mother, and K.A.W and I were reunited with some Bent Creek gravel roads. We were both due for some one on one time and so we biked up and rolled out to Bent Creek to cruise the gravel roads for a bit. It was super nice outside and we pretty much had the place to ourselves. After only riding ten miles or so we headed home for some beers and relaxing....
K.A.W had a full day of volunteering at the Asheville Marathon and I had plans to shred some more gravel. Short Travel Nate and I had planned to do the same route I had done two Fridays earlier. He was due for some long miles, especially since he will be joining me in the PMBAR fun in just a few short weeks. I told him that I really had no goal for the race except beating him and his partner, Zink aka beast mode from San Diego.
Nate was worried that his lack of riding over the winter would make for bad times, and coming off a 10k Saturday, that his legs would be shot, No worries. We took it fairly easy and got in a good 35 miler in the heart of God'scountryUSA aka Pisgah. I was very surprised how easily the climbing felt in comparison to the last time I had ridden this route. No marshmallow mud and fresh legs were the difference. 35 miles and close to 5000 feet of climbing should have destroyed me, but it didnt.
I feel like I am well on my way toward fun race times come May if I can maintain it... hopefully.
gravels! |
"The cutting of trees does not degrade a watershed"... Hmmmm.... |
This dog fell madly in love with Nate and they have decided to elope... Congrats you guys! |
If you dont know where this goes..... |
That was about it folks.
Good weekend spent L.I.V.I.N... I can feel the warmth in the air, the maples are budding, and I know sunny days are ahead...
Hope your week is awesome and goes quickly. Catch ya'll next time.
Party on.