Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Preparation PMBAR

Boom shackalacka!

Greetings internerds and welcome back to BanjoLife where aint a damn thang change but my limp...

The past week since I last brought you epic bloggage mediocrity was pretty swell. A few bike rides, more beers than I should be drinking this close to endurance bike riding, and a little home improvement...

Wednesday was when the week really kicked off with the post work shit show ride down at Trace Ridge with some co-workers. These rides have been pretty fun for not taking bike riding seriously and just hanging in the woods with good folk. We ended up shuttling Trace Ridge even though I did my best to ruin the ride by forgetting my front wheel at the bottom... and then I forgot water, and then managed to ride despite all that. Beers were swilled, Pisgah was shredded and we had a great time.

Friday I got out after work and headed to Bent Creek for some solo miles. It had been a while since I Bent Creek'd it and It was actually kinda fun after shying away from that place for so long. Managed to knock out a few good climbs and a few good descents and felt pretty good. About halfway down Ingles Field Gap I noticed my left foot felt odd and about the time I looked down my crank arm was in imminent danger of falling off. Stopped and fixed it as best as could... more on that to come.

Saturday was the day to start proper PMBAR prep with a part swap on Thelma Lou. She had been a great bike all winter long but she'd been rode hard and put up wet more often than any bike should. The time had come to freshen her up a bit. Five beers and 3 hours later I had her back up and running like a sewing machine. Sunday the plan was to head out a do a shakedown ride and little reconnaissance on some trail that I hadn't been on in a long time. Charlotte folks were coming up and the weather looked awesome. Best to make sure Thelma Lou is ready...

Sunday arrived and Em. Watts, Tom Tom, myself, and Burton the Elder were off on a shakedown. Heading out from N. Mills Campground we headed up FR 5000 toward Spencer Gap. Gravel grinding we hit Spencer and up we went. The climb up Spencer always tests me. It starts off mellow then proceeds to get steep as shit for a short time but toss in some nasty root beds and loose rock and you got a pretty tough climb. I took off in the lead and did my best to hit a "comfortable" PMBAR pace. We met back up at the saddle below the Trace Ridge climb and made the decision to go down Spencer Branch toward Fletcher Creek. Spencer Branch downhill is as gnarly as anything in the forest. Big washouts into rock littered gullies, sketchy switchbacks and the absence of any true line down makes it one of my favorite descents. I ended up behind a random dude on a 6.5" travel bike and kept his wheel the whole way down. Once at the bottom we headed up the N.E.R. and onto Fletcher Creek. Fletcher creek is the Yin to Spencer's Yang. Smooth, flat, and fast as hell. Too fast as I let the bike get away from me a few times and narrowly avoided ending up the brush.

city folk wading shoeless....

From there we headed up to Lower Trace, down the "new" Lower Trace and back onto FR 1206. We refueled at the truck and Burton the Elder decided his knee was not up for the rest of the ride and held it down for us at the parking area. Tom Tom, Em, and myself pedaled up 1206 to Pilot Cove/Slate Rock. I had never pedaled up Pilot Cove and it wasn't so bad. There were a few hike-a-bike spots but overall it wasn't too bad. We hit the saddle at Slate Rock and headed down (with some up) back to 1206. It was at this point that my left crank arm went to shit. It fell off at least three times between Pilot Cove and Slate. Luckily Tom Tom used his expert woodcraft knowledge to cram a stick into it and make it work temporarily.

Tom Tom.

We stopped for a good rest at the Slate overlook and headed down the trail back to 1206. Once back on the rode we ran into Mike Pierce who was out for Mikes Big Dumb Ride 2015 aka the dumbest 200 miles you can do on a bike. He was on mile 120ish and looked no worse for wear. 200 miles in one day on a bike is pretty dumb but bad ass too. No doubt his PMBAR will go well...

Burton the Elder had gotten bored and driven down to meet us and Tom Tom and Em took advantage of the free ride and headed out back to N. Mills. I wanted to finish so we said our farewells and "see ya next weekend"s and I took off. It was at this moment that I realized that If I pushed I could probably beat them back to the campground. I started cranking and knocked out the climb out of Bradley Creek surprisingly fast. I was really stoked at how my legs performed at the 30 mile mark on one of my least favorite gravel road climbs in the forest. However, my legs we rent enough and the crew passed me about the time I hit Laurel Mountain. Not to let an F-150 full of bikes get the better of me I stomped it and was within sight of them within a half mile coming down the descent into the Campground. Gears maxed and legs spinning out I managed to pass them on the inside and I'm pretty sure Dale Earnhardt would have been pleased with my moves coming around them at 40 miles an hour.

But the long flat going into the Campground got the best of me and they passed me before we got to the bridge.

Fun day in the forest.

I feel pretty good about PMBAR coming up this weekend and the bike performed well, beside my crank arm issue.

Hopefully Saturday will go well and I'll have another PMBAR under the ole belt...

That's it folks. Have a great week,

Party on.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Zombie post...

...And just like that Banjolife is up and running again. Back from the dead like that zombie in the movies that they guy shoots but jumps back up when you least expect and then you gotta Katana sword his ass but he already bit a secondary character that no one really cares about and adds nothing to the story line of the movie. Then the group has to decide when to kill the bitten person. Now? or wait until they turn?... Shit gets real in the zombie apocalypse..

Headshot with a crossbow... best way to take out the walking dead. Daryl knows whats up.

So its been a good long while since I posted last. Why the hiatus from the blogus? To be honest the latter part of this past winter sucked and I was up to nothing interesting enough to write about. I was also doing my damnedest to get ready for K.O.P which starts in just two short weeks. K.A.W and I were also too busy having fun on our own and sometimes its good to just take a break. No blog, no TV, just hanging out and doing what we want. Its been great.

I have sorta missed the blog though. It was nice putting my adventures on "paper" and doing my best to throw together prose that is halfway readable. And if someone can get a few moments of relief from the daily grind by reading this mess then good for 'em. If nothing else, if your reading this then you aint working and we all know that's a good thing...

Since I last posted there has been a decent amount of shiz going down here in AVLUSA and beyond...

Here goes the recap...

Tour Duh CLT...

I tooled it down the Charlotte, NC a while back to participate in the two wheeled, shit show, drinking contest called the Tour Duh CLT. The format is a mini one day stage race through the mean streets of Charlotte and beyond. A mix of trail, road, and some other surfaces conducive to bikecycling. I was debating on racing but after going sorta hard a few weeks prior to the Tour I felt like I was getting close to burning out on riding so I decided to party pace.... 24oz Modelo pace at least.

Mike Pierce keeping it classy...
photo cred: Weldon Weaver

It was a good time for sure and the Faster Mustache guys put on a solid event. Beer flowed freely, bikes were raced, and all was right in the world. The best part was getting to hang out with all my Charlotte folks who I haven't been able to ride with in quite a while. There were even some mountain folk who decided to come down for the event as well. I regret not racing because it looked like a bad ass time and I might have actually enjoyed it... assisted by some liquid encouragement of course. Already looking forward to next year.

Appalachian Trail...

K.A.W is a fan of foot walking...or as yankees call it "hiking". She has slowly been knocking out sections of the Appalachian Trail on her quest to hike the 2100 mile trail in its entirety. A few weeks ago she had a long week free of work and Georgia on her mind. The plan was for her and her friend Emily to start from Hogpen early in the week and south bound it to Springer Mtn. which is the southern terminus of The Trail. I was going to drive down after work on Thursday and north bound it from Amicalola Falls State Park. Hopefully we would meet up around Hawk Mtn. and I'd double back with her to the park. Despite being super late getting down to GA and having to hike in by moonlight a few miles my solo day was awesome. It was nice to see all the stoked up thru hikers starting out on there north bound hike. I met K.A.W just as planned at Hawk Mtn. and we ended up having a really nice time on the GA App. Trail.

It was cool finding out all the different reasons people were on the trail. Getting fired from a job, taking a break from school, and fulfilling a lifetime dream were high on the list. The best was a couple that decided that instead of having a big expensive wedding, they would take the money and hike the trail. I made a promise to myself that the next time I would be hiking GA was at the end of my own south bound thru hike. When this will be a reality is yet to be determined...

Trout Fishing:

A week after hitting the Georgia AT I was on my way to Townsend, TN to meet my bro-in-law and the preacher from our church back home for some Smoky Mountain trout fishing. We usually camp out but we decided that staying in an old motel right outside the park would be better. Good call cause it was nice having a hot shower after standing waist deep in cold mountain trout water all day. The fishing wasn't so hot but it was great being in the park.

The Smoky's are a pretty crazy place and I'm super lucky to live so close. Spring was just starting to show and the Dogwoods and Red bud trees were blooming which made it seem like the whole world was waking up from winter. Townsend was a pretty chill town. Its the anti-Gatlinburg and that suits me just fine. The only excitement was sitting around drinking beer and watching traffic creep by on the highway with the mountains in the background. I'll be back soon to get some redemption on those fish though...

PMBAR training:

Back to the present. This past weekend my PMBAR partner, and Buick owner, Burton was up for a training ride. There was a threat of rain all weekend but Saturday looked clear enough to try to beat the weather and get in some long miles. We started out at the Ranger Station and proceeded to climb up Black Mtn. to Turkey Pen. This is a pretty grueling climb with long sections of hike-a-bike to hurt ya. I was feeling pretty good and the push up Black went by fast. Once on Turkey Pen we had our work cut out for us. No one rides Turkey Pen. Its remote, over grown, steep (both up and down), and primitive as hell.  Needless to say its one of my favorite trails in the forest. About the time we hit the bottom of the first descent the skies opened and Momma Nature gave us a healthy dose of cold rain. This made the rest of Turkey Pen even more crazy. Super sketchy downhill with rain soaked rhodo and laurel slapping you in the face keeps you on your toes.

Soon enough we hit South Mills River and Burton was out. His knee was really giving him trouble so we split up. It wasnt worth risking injury, especially in the rain which complicates things. I was in at this point and we decided that I should finish the rest of the ride solo. He headed out to the highway and back to the Ranger Station. I bombed the short descent on S. Mills and started up Mullinax to Squirrel Gap. The rain was still coming down pretty steady and this made for a slick and sloppy climb up to Squirrel. Once on Squirrel it was OK except the sketchy rock gardens. Every time my front wheel hit an off camber root or rock I damn near fell of the trail. Even the best tires cant handle wet rocks and roots. After what seemed like too long I hit S. Mills. The ride from S. Mills and onto Buckhorn Gap is up there as one of the most miserable rides I've had. Most of the ride was through deep mud and standing water. I had no business being out there but I was in a tight spot. Too deep in Pisgah to bail anywhere and Burton was under instructions to call a rescue squad if I didnt make the Ranger Station by dark. I had no real choice but to keep riding and finish. I felt pretty bad about tearing up the trail and the damage all that wet, mineral rich dirt was doing to my bike's moving parts...

Once I hit the end of Buckhorn/the top of Clawhammer Rd. I wasn't sure what to do. Either ride down the road and hit the highway back to the Ranger Station or go all in and take Black Mtn. all the way down. I thought "F* it" and started the push up Black Mtn. At this point the rain had stopped and it was actually sort of pleasant. I was still soaked through and covered in mud but by the time I hit the Looking Glass overlook the skies parted and the sun was shining on the Pisgah through the fog and clouds. It was pretty cool and reinforces why I do these things. Being deep in the mountains, just you and a bike is a pretty awesome.

I bombed down Black Mtn. back to the Ranger Station and to cold beer and dry clothes. A brief dip in the Davidson River to wash the mud off, a cold Greybeard IPA and all was right with the world. I feel pretty good about PMBAR if not for my fitness then for my mental fortitude. I was soaked through, covered in mud, freezing cold but still having fun on the bike.

That's all the matters really...

Well folks,

Stay tuned for more mediocre bloggage to come. Have a rad week.

Party On.